A cluster of exhibitions
14/09/2017 -

Information about past civilizations is drawn not only from written documents, but also—sometimes mainly—from researching habitats and the physical remains left behind. The five exhibitions featured under the title Site* explore physical and imaginary spaces, in an attempt to draw parallels with the present. The sites are perceived as a trace of demographic, economic, social, and political processes which occurred in the communities that populated them.
Although most of these sites have been deserted, emptied of their inhabitants, taken out of use, and have lost their original status, the past still bustles in them as a force that charges the present, propelling a change in it, and proposing a dynamic reading of such notions as house, body and identity, immigration and gender, private and public. As gatekeepers, the artists strive to breathe life into the dusty past and extract silent evidence from death and oblivion