Solar Stain Eliahou Eric Bokobza Editor: Drorit Gur Arie Design and production: Magen Halutz Article: Drorit Gur Arie למאמר המלא >>
Take Painting Editor: Larry Abramson Design and production: Magen Halutz Articles: Drorit Gur Arie, Larry Abramson למאמר המלא >>
Intricate Affinities: Recollections of Western Tradition in Local Contemporary Art Editor: Smadar Sheffi Design and production: Magen Halutz Articles: Drorit Gur Arie, Smadar Sheffi למאמר המלא >>
Moving and Shaking: Curatorial Praxis in the Israeli Space In 2006, French artist Sophie Calle placed a want ad in the French press, seeking a curator for… למאמר המלא >>